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Billy Graham Writes Iran’s President for Persecuted Pastor Saeed

Editor's Note: The Rev. Billy Graham has joined tens of thousands of Americans in writing a letter directly to Iranian President Hasan Rouhani. The...

Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Gay Marriage Is Beyond Debate, God Has Given His Opinion

Speaking at the third annual "Washington: A Man of Prayer" event Wednesday, Pastor Robert Jeffress said that while members of Congress can debate immigration, healthcare and...

How Your Praise and Worship Cast Out Demons. How Your Praise and Worship Cast...

When I read this passage—Psalm 135:1-21—about the vapors ascending from the ends of the earth, I recall one of the funniest yet most penetrating...

Give And Take: Italy’s Experiment with A Cash-Free Supermarket

Modena — where milk costs one point and olive oil four points instead of nine euros, where you can buy food even if you don’t...

CHINA: The iPhone “strikes” again: a man in coma after recharging his phone

Wu Jian suffered electric shock from the phone, which he had plugged in to recharge with a charger that was not original. Currently in...

6 Strategies to Get Your Family Saved

The biggest roadblock to evangelism is beginning a conversation. Here’s how to get started. I know many Christians who want to share their faith, but...

One Question Every Believer Should Ask Before Engaging in Spiritual Warfare

"Shall I go up?" David, a mighty warrior for God, asked Jehovah this critical question before running to the battle line—and we would be wise to...

Christ’s Message of Hope Desperately Needed in This Hour

One of my favorite songs from the 1980s was “People Need the Lord.” You can hear a wonderful Steve Green rendition by clicking here; it...

Newborn pronounced ‘dead’ returns to life

Londrina, Brazil - MR - A baby girl pronounced dead at birth “came back to life” three hours later on the altar of a...

Can the Horror Show of Abortion Open Eyes to the Truth?

Warren Hern of Boulder, Colo., admitted to The New York Times more than 20 years ago, "There is a horror at what I do." Hern specializes in...



Oggi si conclude la nostra serie dal titolo: “Stare nella Sua presenza”. Il succo è proprio questo: realizzare la presenza del Creatore dell’universo, la sorgente della vita...




Con il sorriso sulle labbra!

Quando ero pastore nello Stato del Massachusetts c'era una sorella, la sorella Levardi; 94 anni, aveva una gioia indescrivibile per il Signore Gesù, tant'è...


Sulle riviste scientifiche c’è pluralità di opinioni?

«Le riviste scientifiche ospitano pluralità di opinioni?»: questo interrogativo inquieta da tempo gli studiosi e i ricercatori. Da ultimo Michael Cook, su BioEdge, è stato colpito da una...



Servizio sanitario pubblico: perché occorre difenderlo

Quattordici scienziati di fama internazionale hanno redatto un appello urgente: ne parliamo con Alberto Mantovani, immunologo e docente universitario Incontro Alberto Mantovani, medico immunologo e oncologo...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

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