f65fc9f30904be0bb8b47b303c252c22--330x185At least seven people were killed and more than 60 wounded today after the explosion of a car bomb in an eastern neighborhood of Damascus, as reported by state television. Meanwhile, fighting between soldiers and rebels continued in several regions of Syria.The bomb ripped through a building, reducing several cars parked in the nearby street into a tangle of sheet-metals several cars parked in a street in the district of Jaramana. The attack was defined simply as the work of “terrorists”, the term used by the media to describe armed opposition groups.

The civil war in Syria was the subject of a press conference in New York hosted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The head of the UN reiterated the need to organize an international peace conference, so-called Geneva II, and argued that since the war began in March 2011, over 100,000 people have been killed.

Last night the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) repeated calls to the Syrian government to permit allow humanitarian workers to provide relief to injured people in Homs, one of the cities where the fighting has been most intense. According to Magne Barth, ICRC coordinator in Syria, negotiations to obtain a pass started 20 days ago, but have not yet led to any result.

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