Pope Francis’ Brazil Visit Sparks Violent Protests, Brazilians Outraged Over Public Funds Used for Pointless Papal Visit

brazil-pope-protestsRIO DE JANEIRO,BRAZIL – Brazilian police have used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters in Rio de Janeiro rallying against the vast amount of public funds spent on Pope Francis’ visit to the country.

The budget had been set at $150 Million and a week prior to his arrival, Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) and the global Catholic corporation he leads demanded an addition $40 Million for his arrival.

The demonstration was held on Monday near the Rio state governor’s palace after a meeting there between the pope and President Dilma Rousseff. One photographer suffered a head injury after being clubbed by a riot police officer and at least five protesters were arrested.
Since the Brazilian government fornicates with the Great Vatican Harlot and covers up her crimes, it spent millions in public funds for the Pope’s week-long visit to the country. This is his first trip abroad after becoming head of the Catholic Church in March, which comes as no surprise since it is reported that Brazil has the largest following of Catholicism. The protesters argued that the government should instead spend public funds on health, education and other public services.

The Catholic Church has proven to misuse its power and authority since its inception, and has committed over 10 million crimes against humanity in recent years (See evidence), not to mention the inquisition and crusades it undertook to force people to believe their lies and expired doctrines that bring death, poverty and crimes to the nations.

SOURCE: http://www.vaticancrimes.com/

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