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The Cry of the Dead!

Our bad choices lead us to bad results, so each one of us must learn to think before deciding anything, especially with regard to...

Brasile: 4 milioni di Bibbie fra i fans del Mondiale

The Brazilian Bible Society will distribute four million Bibles in an effort to reach the multitude of soccer fans that will trek to Brazil...

How you can overcome

I want to bring encouragement to you all. I want to bring truth and I want to give you strength . I am only...

Demenza e Cinismo, la Bibbia lo aveva detto… – Minneapolis

Cynical distrust, which is defined as the belief that others are mainly motivated by selfish concerns, has been associated with other health problems, such...

Satanists Refuse to Bow, Want Believers to Sit in Lap of Lucifer

It appears satanists don’t give up so easily—and they are taking their latest cue from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oklahoma with...

Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Gay Marriage Is Beyond Debate, God Has Given His Opinion

Speaking at the third annual "Washington: A Man of Prayer" event Wednesday, Pastor Robert Jeffress said that while members of Congress can debate immigration, healthcare and...

3 Keys to Defeating the Spirit of Rejection

Rejection. It happens in many forms. Perhaps a group of people that thought they knew better dismissed your divinely inspired, gee-whiz idea. Maybe your...

7 Things That Prove God Is Real

When I was a journalist in my 20s, I needed to verify a fact about atheism. This was before the Internet age, so I...

The Apostasy of World Vision

Shortly after I broke the news on my radio broadcast and on social media, Christianity Today confirmed the report: World Vision has decided to embrace homosexual “marriage”...

Is Blockbuster ‘Son of God’ Film Biblical?

When the movie Son of God surpassed expectations and earned $26.5 million on its first weekend, it was once again clear that the Christian community has...



“Il mio bambino di sei anni è purtroppo molto malato e non potrà mai essere padre”. Una lettrice mi ha scritto queste parole che...


Il bene non fa notizia.

Questa testimonianza è tratta da un video e viene riportata scritta. È un servizio che svolgo da tempo ed è rivolto particolarmente alle persone...


Si nasce gay?

“Questo è ciò che sono”. Nel 1993, sono uscito allo scoperto con questa dichiarazione esplicita: “Non ho scelto di essere gay,” quindi “Sono nato così!” Ero...



Regno Unito pronto a rendere definitivo il divieto di bloccanti della...

Estendere e rendere definitivo il divieto di somministrazione dei bloccanti della pubertà e delle terapie ormonali per la transizione di genere dei minori. È...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

Un’arca per Noè

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