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Drug addiction reaches crisis levels in Nepal with Hindus the most affected

Kathmandu (AsiaNews) - About 28 per cent of Nepali students take drugs, this according to a report by the Narcotic Drugs Control Law Enforcement...

Textbook Praises Islam, Denigrates Christianity

A world history book used in an Advanced Placement class is under review by a Florida school board over allegations it favors Islam at...

Bored Kids Kill Because We Forget God

Three young men were home on a summer day with nothing to do. So they decided to kill a man. The headlines are shocking: “Australian...

SAUDI ARABIA: Riyadh fears new SARS, restricts visas for Hajj

Saudi authorities have decided to restrict entry during the Greater Pilgrimage, which mobilises millions of people every year from all over the Islamic world....

BANGLADESH: Banned by a court, Islamist party cannot run in general elections

According to the High Court, the registration of the Jamaat-e-Islami with the Election Commission is illegal because the party is "not secular". Party members...

Holy Spirit Delivers Salvation, Healing Power at Ethiopian Crusade

A thin cloud of smog covered the streets of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. On almost all the roads, traffic had come to a virtual standstill,...

Demenza e Cinismo, la Bibbia lo aveva detto… – Minneapolis

Cynical distrust, which is defined as the belief that others are mainly motivated by selfish concerns, has been associated with other health problems, such...

TURKEY: Despite the world’s indifference, Gezi Park continues to speak out loudly

Forced by protests to stop its redevelopment plan for the park, the government goes after the Chamber of Turkish Architects and Engineers. New clashes...

India – Orissa: Christian nun gang raped

A nun, 28, was abducted and raped for a week. One of her cousins is among the attackers. For the archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, "The...

Pastor Taken Hostage in Philippines Rebel Attack

A pastor has been taken hostage and several Christians are among the many injured in an attack by a rebel group in the Philippines. The...



“Il mio bambino di sei anni è purtroppo molto malato e non potrà mai essere padre”. Una lettrice mi ha scritto queste parole che...


Il bene non fa notizia.

Questa testimonianza è tratta da un video e viene riportata scritta. È un servizio che svolgo da tempo ed è rivolto particolarmente alle persone...


Si nasce gay?

“Questo è ciò che sono”. Nel 1993, sono uscito allo scoperto con questa dichiarazione esplicita: “Non ho scelto di essere gay,” quindi “Sono nato così!” Ero...



Regno Unito pronto a rendere definitivo il divieto di bloccanti della...

Estendere e rendere definitivo il divieto di somministrazione dei bloccanti della pubertà e delle terapie ormonali per la transizione di genere dei minori. È...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

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