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SYRIA – UNITED STATES: Washington preparing to arm Syrian rebels

According to US sources, parties to the decision in the US government agree to military aid to the anti-Assad opposition. General Martin Dempsey gives...


It happened this past June in Wuxi Village. According to the Associated Press, the government hired a crew to cut down the metal cross atop...

The Day God Said, ‘Go Feed the Strippers’

Last year Erin Stevens was a happy home-schooling mom of three and a pastor's wife in a growing church of several hundred. Then, following a...

Indian doctor: London stop the new eugenics, it is immoral and dangerous

The UK is set to legalize in vitro fertilization with three parents: the fetus will thus have the DNA of three different people. For...

Praying for Mandela in Soweto,birthplace of apartheid revolt

Forty years after government killings here sparked the militant anti-Apartheid movement, the ailing grandfather of modern South Africa is a reminder not to return...

Cambodia: Older than Angkor, the first Khmer capital, the lost city of Mahendraparvata, is...

Thanks to innovative laser technology, a group of archaeologists found traces of an entire urban area, predating Angkor by 350 years. Although its actual...

Why the Gay Agenda Is Attacking Ex-Homosexual Donnie McClurkin

Donnie McClurkin was invited to perform at the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement in Washington, D.C. This event was a government-sponsored concert with...

Gays and Atheists Were Created in the Image of God Too

I write bold columns about agendas that oppose God's will each and every week through my Watchman on the Wall column. My passion is...

How to Pull the Knife of Betrayal Out of Your Back

Jesus knew who would betray Him, but we don’t always see betrayals coming. Sometimes it's a blindside—but then again, shouldn’t we expect it? After all, Jesus said...

When God Overlooks You for a Spiritual Promotion

Whether in the world of work or the work of the ministry, everybody likes to feel appreciated for a job well done. But some strive,...



“Ecco, tu sarai muto, e non potrai parlare fino al giorno che queste cose avverranno, perché non hai creduto alle mie parole che si...



La voce dell’aborto

In questi giorni ho visto sui vari social discussioni sull’aborto. Chi è a favore e chi è contrario. Facciamo parlare LA VOCE DELL’ABORTO. Testimonianza riproposta....

@mettere in evidenza


Impressionante firma lasciata da Dio nel nostro corpo: tiene “incollate” le...

  Cosa è? Un segno nel nostro corpo capace di tenere insieme le nostre cellule e ha la forma di una croce luminosa che rimanda...



Caso Aosta su aborto e pro life. Solo fake news e...

Quando si parla di aborto la strumentalizzazione ideologica è all’ordine del giorno, come testimonia quanto accaduto recentemente ad Aosta. «Sono pervenute al Centro donne contro la violenza di Aosta segnalazioni di donne che,...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

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