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Nepal: Fearing death from poisoning, Nepali children flee school

After pupils died in India from pesticide-tainted food, about 50 per cent of children in Nepal's rural schools stay away. Despite government guarantees that...

Gender-based violence ‘wielded mercilessly’ in Muslim countries

The conclusion of a new report by the US Hudson Institute researcher Lela Gilbert is clear and unequivocal:  gender-based violence plays a key strategic...

The truth on abortion history in Ireland

Protection for the unborn in Ireland has remained strong since the defeat of a divisive referendum in 2002 that would have allowed abortion until...

Taiwan clamps down on drunk driving

The government of Taiwan launches awareness campaign against drunk driving. But above all passes law imposing hefty fines and prison sentences for those who...

China: Arrests and beatings fail to stop Qianjin’s battle against incinerator

For the third time in two weeks, tens of thousands of residents of the village, in the rich province of Guangdong, take to the...

Verified: King David’s Palace Discovered

"This is unequivocal evidence of a kingdom's existence, which knew to establish administrative centers at strategic points. To date no palaces have been...

INDONESIA: Java, crowd of thousands force Islamic fundamentalists to flee

The militant Islamic Defender Front (FPI) were trying to cause unrest in Pathean. The accidental death of a woman sparked the anger of the...

Libya: Gaddafi’s compound to become an amusement park

Promoted by the Ministry of Tourism, the project calls for a family-friendly amusement park and green space to replace the late dictator's ruined Bāb...

CHINA: The iPhone “strikes” again: a man in coma after recharging his phone

Wu Jian suffered electric shock from the phone, which he had plugged in to recharge with a charger that was not original. Currently in...

Teen locked up for faith

17-year-old Kasih has been locked in her room for three months now. Her crime? Claiming Jesus Christ as her Savior. Kasih recently made a...



“Ecco, tu sarai muto, e non potrai parlare fino al giorno che queste cose avverranno, perché non hai creduto alle mie parole che si...



La voce dell’aborto

In questi giorni ho visto sui vari social discussioni sull’aborto. Chi è a favore e chi è contrario. Facciamo parlare LA VOCE DELL’ABORTO. Testimonianza riproposta....

@mettere in evidenza


Impressionante firma lasciata da Dio nel nostro corpo: tiene “incollate” le...

  Cosa è? Un segno nel nostro corpo capace di tenere insieme le nostre cellule e ha la forma di una croce luminosa che rimanda...



Caso Aosta su aborto e pro life. Solo fake news e...

Quando si parla di aborto la strumentalizzazione ideologica è all’ordine del giorno, come testimonia quanto accaduto recentemente ad Aosta. «Sono pervenute al Centro donne contro la violenza di Aosta segnalazioni di donne che,...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

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