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When You’re Persecuted for Praying in Tongues

When I sent my daughter on an inner-city mission trip in another state, I was shocked to later learn that her temporary home church...

YEAR IN REVIEW: Would You Recognize the Deception of Hyper-Grace?

Someone wisely stated, “The church has suffered more from her exponents than from her opponents.” This is certainly the case today, as we are...

NY: ‘Duck Dynasty,’ Gay Activism and the Clash of 2 Cultures

The culture wars are about to hit the fan as A&E and Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson face off over the reality TV show star's stance...

When Christian Celebrities Dress Like Porn Stars

Modesty. It’s a topic that I’ve addressed at length this year in articles such as “Why Do So Many ‘Born-Again, Spirit-Filled’ Women Show Off...

How to Keep Satan From Getting the Upper Hand in Your Life

Maybe your prayer life is not what it used to be, and you just cannot find that place with God that is full of...

Why Are So Many Pastors Committing Suicide?

In another church tragedy, Pastor Isaac Hunter—the son of the spiritual adviser to President Obama—has reportedly taken his own life. Hunter’s death is making national headlines because of...

3 Warnings in Discerning God’s Will

There can be so much worry involved in knowingGod's will. What if I'm wrong? What if I missed it?We either blame ourselves or blame God,...

What Satan Doesn’t Want You to Know About Spiritual Warfare

When God called Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations, it came with a sixfold prophetic-apostolic mandate to root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build...

Pastor Receives Obamacare RFID Chip And Boasts To His Congregation

John MacArthur Declares You Can Be Saved AFTER You Receive The Mark! OUTRAGE! We all knew this was coming, we just didn’t know how soon!...

Meet the Greatest Evangelist Ever

I will never be an evangelist. That was my thought the first time I tried leading someone to Christ. It was my best friend in...



“Il mio bambino di sei anni è purtroppo molto malato e non potrà mai essere padre”. Una lettrice mi ha scritto queste parole che...


Il bene non fa notizia.

Questa testimonianza è tratta da un video e viene riportata scritta. È un servizio che svolgo da tempo ed è rivolto particolarmente alle persone...


Si nasce gay?

“Questo è ciò che sono”. Nel 1993, sono uscito allo scoperto con questa dichiarazione esplicita: “Non ho scelto di essere gay,” quindi “Sono nato così!” Ero...



Regno Unito pronto a rendere definitivo il divieto di bloccanti della...

Estendere e rendere definitivo il divieto di somministrazione dei bloccanti della pubertà e delle terapie ormonali per la transizione di genere dei minori. È...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

Un’arca per Noè

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