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Steve Hill: We Need Toilet Paper Now!

I had been a Christian for a few months. Like many of us, I was young, radical, totally devoted and driven by miracles. I...

5 Reasons People Love the Chains That Hold Them Back

Leaders: I’ll bet you have someone in mind right now: If he would JUST change his working habits, he could double his productivity. If she...

8 Qualities We Need in Today’s Leaders

Five years ago, I had a birthday with a zero in it—and it scared me! But instead of fighting the aging process, I made...

Many Are Saying ‘Lord, Lord …’ But How Do You Recognize True Christians?

Many of us are collectors. We collect silver, gold, guitars, watches, comic books, stamps, figurines and a variety of other treasures, which can be...

The Spiritual Danger of Being Bored to Death

The other day a middle-aged "mature" Christian blurted out a statement that shot like a rocket through my spirit. He looked me straight in...

Muslim Convert to Christianity Prays for Men Stoning Him

In a country that stresses religious freedom, it is often difficult for Americans to understand what it means to live and die for faith. Global Advance reports...

What Message Is ‘Gravity’ Sending to Lost Souls Searching for Truth?

Reviews of the new hit movie “Gravity” note that it’s an unusually fine science fiction film. What they don’t mention is that the main...

Revival Pastors Wesley, Stacey Campbell Request Prayers for Son’s Spinal Injury

A son of pastors Wesley and Stacey Campbell is recovering from serious injuries he suffered at a rugby game Saturday. The founders of RevivalNOW!...

Help Me Stop Facebook-Approved Religious Harassment

Christian ministry pages on Facebook are being targeted for profane harassment, and Facebook is turning a blind eye. Would you help me send them...

Why Did iOS7 Fail to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital?

This week, I had the extraordinary privilege to attend the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem’s (ICEJ) Feast of Tabernacles Israel night in Jerusalem. I always...



Ti confesso che anch’io vivo dei momenti in cui penso: “Ma perché lo sto facendo?” Immagino che anche a te capiti di raggiungere il tuo...



Alzati e cammina

La Testimonianza vera di una donna di Catania Qualche mese fa, durante una campagna evangelistica, il predicatore che era nostro ospite, durante la predicazione della...

Alzati e cammina

La voce dell’aborto

@mettere in evidenza


Impressionante firma lasciata da Dio nel nostro corpo: tiene “incollate” le...

  Cosa è? Un segno nel nostro corpo capace di tenere insieme le nostre cellule e ha la forma di una croce luminosa che rimanda...



Careggi. Bene stop a Triptorelina, ora Aifa la vieti e Ministero...

Esprimiamo soddisfazione per il blocco della somministrazione a bambini e adolescenti della Triptorelina - il farmaco bloccante della pubertà - all’Ospedale Careggi di Firenze,...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

Un’arca per Noè

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