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China – Acid and other attacks are Beijing’s answer to those who out corrupt...

President Xi Jinping launched a crusade against bribery and embezzlement in the Party, calling on people to expose crooks. A number of bloggers and...

TAIWAN – Taipei launches the alarm: increasingly young people at-risk of AIDS

The government publishes data on new HIV infections, which have tripled in 10 years. Although the absolute numbers remain low, fortunately, civil society and...

Hillsong NYC’s Carl Lentz Dubbed ‘Apostle of Cool’ By Secular Men’s Mag

Carl Lentz, the unconventional pastor at Hillsong Church NYC, is featured in Details magazine’s October issue in an article called “Jesus Christ’s Superstar (The Gospel According to Carl...

U.S. – Evangelicals Vow to Denounce Immigration Reform Opponents

“We are announcing the gospel that welcomes the stranger and we will denounce those that block immigration reform.” Some would call them fighting words; others,...

Prophetic Word for 2014: The Righteous Will Never Be Shaken

For many years I’ve heard prophecies proclaiming, “Whatever can be shaken will be shaken.” Indeed, I’m sure I’ve prophesied along those lines in years past. These...

U.S. – Abortion’s ‘Invisible Grief’ Surfaces With Nationwide Gravesite Ceremonies

Most people will acknowledge that losing a child is a terrible thing. That's why it is the focal point of the National Day of...

Nanjing: Photo of 4 year old forced to beg naked shocks China

The child was identified only after the picture was posted on the internet and shared by thousands of users. Now along with her father,...

Mystery Priest at Accident Scene Hailed as an Angel

Emergency workers and others in eastern Missouri are not sure what to make of a mystery priest who showed up at a critical accident...

Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Gay Marriage Is Beyond Debate, God Has Given His Opinion

Speaking at the third annual "Washington: A Man of Prayer" event Wednesday, Pastor Robert Jeffress said that while members of Congress can debate immigration, healthcare and...



“Il mio bambino di sei anni è purtroppo molto malato e non potrà mai essere padre”. Una lettrice mi ha scritto queste parole che...


Il bene non fa notizia.

Questa testimonianza è tratta da un video e viene riportata scritta. È un servizio che svolgo da tempo ed è rivolto particolarmente alle persone...


Si nasce gay?

“Questo è ciò che sono”. Nel 1993, sono uscito allo scoperto con questa dichiarazione esplicita: “Non ho scelto di essere gay,” quindi “Sono nato così!” Ero...



Regno Unito pronto a rendere definitivo il divieto di bloccanti della...

Estendere e rendere definitivo il divieto di somministrazione dei bloccanti della pubertà e delle terapie ormonali per la transizione di genere dei minori. È...


Dove vuoi passare l’eternità? Nel regno di Dio o nel regno...

Sai, nella vita si prendono tante decisioni in parte importanti e in parte no; ma la decisione che determina il destino della vita eterna...

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